- Facebook.com
- Google+.com (pronounced and sometimes written as Google Plus)
- Youtube.com
- Twitter.com
- Instagram.com
- Tumblr.com
- Kik.com, Vozer.com, WhatsApp.com are all variations on the same theme: Free phone-to-phone messaging.
- Snapchat.com
- Vine.co video app purchase by Twitter.com - used primarily on cell phones.
A recent report by the Pew Internet and the American Life Project found 91% of the 12-to-17-year-olds it surveyed post photos of themselves (up from 79% in the last such survey, in 2006) and 24% post videos. Another 91% are happy posting their real name, 60% their relationship status, 82% their birthday, 71% the town where they live and the school they attend, 53% their email address and 20% their mobile number (compared with 2% in 2006). These numbers are slightly higher for adults 18-35.